SEAN BROGAN, of South View, Teignmouth, writes: 

Some may call me a dinosaur in harking back to the days of the First and Second Class postal service, the former arrived the next day and the latter a few days later. 

You could send a birthday card and it arrived on time. 

Well, my bank sent me a letter with a new pin – it arrived five days later! 

I have a newspaper sent first class – invariably it arrives late! A postie said to me on enquiring on my late post ‘Chaos mate, the sorting office is in chaos’ .

I did not starve through late arrival of the ‘pin’ – but merely reflected on how things fall apart where greed has intervened.

There used to be criminal offence called ‘Delaying the Post’. Perhaps the police should pay a visit to Teignmouth Sorting Office and feel a few of the managers’ collars. 

Ever since privatisation of our postal service by a multi-national hedge company it has gone to the dogs. 

The chief executive of Royal Mail has trousered millions even though they drove some of the little people in small offices to suicide through the Horizon debacle. 

Our postal service is a service – the only way back is to re-nationalise and run it as a service.  

At this rate of decline and delay ,the dead will be buried by the time we get the death notice! 

 Some may say: ‘There is always email, WhatsApp, Text, Instagram,  - or perhaps now that they are prioritising parcels - send a letter disguised as a parcel but it will cost you more than a Penny Black’

Unfortunately privatisation seems to be a joke and destroying our postal system! 

What do you think. Emails us at [email protected]