A SON who broke an order to stay away from his mother’s home in Teignmouth has been spared a jail sentence after turning his life around.

Jordan Sidell was given a final chance to avoid custody when his sentence at Exeter Crown Court was deferred in March this year on condition that he stayed out of trouble and worked with probation.

Judge Stephen Climie imposed a community order rather than any form of jail sentence after being told that Sidell has fulfilled both conditions, found himself a job as a chef and has become a father for the first time.

The Judge even offered him parenting tips, telling him that having a newborn child is delightful but can also be very stressful.

Sidell was banned from going to his mother’s home in Colman Avenue but turned up there in the middle of the night on February 7 and started shouting and kicking the front door.

Police were alerted and a dog handler filmed him at the scene as he was arrested and remanded in custody for a month. He was at risk of going to prison because he was in breach of a suspended sentence and had skipped two probation appointments.

Sidell, aged 28, of Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, admitted breach of a restraining order and was made subject of a three year community order with 80 hours of unpaid community work, 30 days of rehabilitation activities and a 30 day Building Better Relationships course.

The judge told him: 'It is in your hands whether you want to spend the early part of your daughter’s life in custody. That is not an example that you want to be setting.'

Miss Lisa Denley, prosecuting, told the earlier hearing that police received 999 calls from an unknown male and Sidell’s mother at 2.10 an on February 7 to say he was causing a disturbance and kicking her door.

He was arrested and a dog handler captured footage on his body worn camera of him at the house, which he was banned from visiting by a restraining order.

He had previously missed probation meetings on December 21 and 28 without having a valid excuse.

Mr Brian Fitzherbert, defending, said Sidell had kept to the conditions of the deferment and had a positive report from probation.

He has become a father and just started work as a chef.