THERE will be an increased police presence in Teignmouth over the weekend as Carnival events continue.

On their Facebook page Teignmouth and Dawlish Police warn that disruptive and anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated.

They say: ‘The local team have been out this evening for the procession night of the carnival - there will be an increased presence Friday and Saturday evening too.

‘We support the carnival in wanting a safe and friendly atmosphere for all those attending, please note the restrictions around entering the event area.

‘Come and say hello!’

They quote from the carnival committee: ‘Teignmouth Carnival have been engaging with Devon and Cornwall Police to ensure the Teignmouth Carnival event remains a safe space for all event goers.

‘You may notice an increased police presence within the town over the next few days.

‘The team will be working alongside our security and volunteer marshals.

‘Disruptive and antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated.

Under 18’s MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian to enter our event area. Bag searches will be taking place on entry, and only alcohol brought from our event bar is permitted within the licensed area of our arena.

‘We thank you for your cooperation and hope you enjoy the rest of Carnival week!’