THE annual bread weighing was held by the court leet and court baron of the Manorial Borough of Newton Abbot on Saturday, July 22, at the Royal British Legion.

Alex Hall, the deputy mayor elect, was guest of honor to the courts.

The bread weighing was a great success for the official bread weigher Sue Joyce, raising £200 for the portreeve’s charity ‘Rowcroft’.

Building on the bread weigher great success of the first pie-eying event held on january 15 by the courts. It was the first event by bread weigher Sue Joyce after her appointment by the courts due to covid and illness.

The courts had an excellent turnout by members and guess and a birthday party from ashburton (RBL and Ashburton Manorial Courts)

After tasting the bread by everyone, a winner will be announced and be given a certificate to prove that they sell good quality and correct weight of bread.

The courts then went on to hold an auction of the item donated by members. The table was overflowing with delicious goods and including in many home made cakes.

Special thanks to go to Eveline Davis, the borough cryer, for her amazing chocolate cake raised £30 (Eveline had been ill for several weeks) and for a special ‘ski slope’ lemon drizzle cake donated by deputy mayor elect, Alex Hall.

The auctioneer for the day was the Portreeve Allan Vizor, who raised £120 for the Portreeve’s charity Rowcroft Hospice when the final total was declared of ‘120’ by the mace bearer, Roger Keys.

The birth boy from Ashburton immediately raised it to £200 (a donation of £80 ) for the Portreeve’s Rowcroft charity – a very respectable sum. Everyone who attended had a great time.