THE Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust (DPHT) has announced its upcoming volunteer drive, a dynamic movement aimed at nurturing a passionate community dedicated to safeguarding Dartmoor’s heritage ponies.

This call to action invites individuals who share a deep love for local history and a commitment to preserving the unique beauty of Dartmoor, including its iconic ponies.#

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the DPHT’s mission, contributing significantly to various facets of the organisation.

From the maintenance of the charity’s headquarters at Parke near Bovey Tracey to hands-on involvement in conservation projects at Bellever, where the DPHT manages 82 hectares of moorland surrounding Bellever Tor within a 450-hectare expanse near Postbridge, owned by Forestry England.

There are several opportunities such as organising events at the headquarters, habitat management at Bellever, and training as pony checkers to ensure the well-being of the DPHT-managed pony herd.

Debbie Leach, the CEO of the charity, envisions a vibrant cohort of volunteers who passionately advocate for Dartmoor and its iconic ponies.

‘Volunteers can tailor their commitment to coincide with their schedules and other commitments’ Debbie said.

‘Whether treating it as a dedicated role or contributing a few hours monthly, the crucial aspect is fostering a collective movement—an assembly of individuals united in championing Dartmoor heritage ponies’ she added.

The DPHT’s volunteer drive extends its call to farmers and pony keepers, acknowledging their vital role as heroes in the mission.

‘Farmers and breeders are integral to our cause, and we invite them to join us, just as we welcome individuals from all walks of life’ Debbie emphasises.

Regardless of background or prior experience, the DPHT warmly invites volunteers to join the movement, not just to support Dartmoor pony preservation but also to uncover a profound sense of purpose, camaraderie, and belonging.

Those wanting to join the DPHT volunteers should send an email to - [email protected]