HORDES of Father and Mother Christmases are expected in Bovey Tracey later this month when the annual Santa Dash takes place.

There will be free mince pies and mulled wine, with juice for the under 18s taking part.

The run starts and finishes at Josie’s Cafe at the Jolly Roger in Station Road where DJ Duncan will be providing entertainment.

Entry costs £12 for adult Santas, £10 for younger Santas with children at £8 and £6, and money raised will help Bovey Tracey Lifesaving Club and Devon Heart Heroes.

There are two courses, 5k and 2k suitable for Santas of all abilities who can either run, jog walk or jingle all the way around the course. The event takes place from 10.30am-1.30pm om Sunday, December 18.