THE great and the good from Shaldon were up bright and early on Saturday, April 15, for a beach clean-up operation.

From eight o’clock on what was, it has to be said, a lovely sunny day, Shaldon residents descended upon the village’s beach to join the parish council’s clean up event.

A spokesman for Shaldon Parish Council said: ‘We would like to thank all the wonderful volunteers who turned up to help clean the beach on Saturday.

‘Also, thanks to Peter French and his team for providing their time and equipment.

‘The village is very lucky to have so many people who wish to contribute to the upkeep of the village/beach and events that take place.

The Friends of Homeyards Botanical Gardens in Shaldon, a charity promoting preservation and enhancement of said gardens, congratulated all those involved with the clean up, which saw volunteers and councillors alike get stuck in.

‘For boat owners - As mentioned in your renewal documents the post allocated to your dinghy may not match the number on your licence this year but from next year the two numbers will be the same.

‘Thanks again to everyone for a great effort.’