A SERIES of free events are set to take place across Dartmoor in order to help farmers on Dartmoor to navigate policy changes. ’Farm for the Future’, delivered by Dartmoor Hill Farm Project and The Royal Countryside Fund, will begin in October. 

Farm for the Future includes a focus on business, environment, and one-to-one support, and is now open for farmers to sign up across Dartmoor. 

The programme is designed to help farmers navigate the policy changes that will affect the future of their farm businesses and become more resilient. It will provide business support so farmers can make informed decisions to help with future planning, and investigate potential opportunities offered by the ELM schemes that may financially and practically benefit their farm. 

Every farmer who participates will become a member of The Royal Countryside Fund’s Farm Resilience Network which provides a bank of resources and ongoing support. 

Any tenant or owner-occupied farm currently in receipt of BPS in England is eligible and can sign up to take advantage of these free, local events. Farm for the Future is funded by Defra’s Future Farming Resilience Fund. 

Workshops will be held at a range of venues across Dartmoor, hosted on farms where possible to ensure they offer practical, relevant insight. For more information and to express interest in taking part please contact Dartmoor Hill Farm Project on [email protected]  Tel. 01822 890913, or visit the website for the programme of events  https://www.dartmoorhillfarmproject.co.uk/farm-for-the-future.