MORE than 200 motorists were caught speeding in just over an hour, police in Newton Abbot have reported.

In 85 minutes, officers clocked more than 200 offences of exceeding the limit along St Marychurch Road.

The operation was carried out following work by the roads policing team checking roads on the outskirts of the town. 

Community Speedwatch had reported incidents of excessive motorcycle speeding along the stretch of road which led to officers assessing and monitor the problem. 

Yesterday, 202 offences were registered in 85 minutes. 

One motorcyclist was caught doing 65mph in what is a 30mph zone, among three found to be doing more than double the speed limit.

A police spokesman Tweeted: ‘Today, I followed up on reports from a Community SpeedWatch group of excessive motorcycle speeding on St Marychurch Rd,’202 total offences in 85 minutes enforcement. Top speeds of 65, 62, and 61.’

It is at the same site at the junction of Aller Brake Road and St Marychurch Road where residents have complained vehicles travelling in and out of Newton Abbot have been regularly breaking the speed limit. 

In a similar operation in February, 30 motorists in just a two hour period were caught speeding in Newton Abbot.