THE spectacular Alice Cross Cocktail Charity Night has raised £650.

Friday night’s event started with a lovely surprise at Alice Cross Community Centre when a stranger walked in waving a £10 note saying he could not attend the charity event that night but could we put this in the collecting box for him.

Manager Jackie O’Brien and admin, Peta Howell, were delighted to accept this first of many folding donations.

By 7pm the hall was full to capacity with 23 members of the popular local choir, Teignmouth Sings.

Dawlish Ukelele band accounted for 12 more performers, three soloists, a duo and a cluster of volunteers serving the drinks.

In the kitchen Dave and Amber were preparing an array of exotic cocktails to serve to the 40 guests including six people representing Dawlish Community Transport, the charity lined up to receive the donations.

Following an arson attack on their vehicles in Barton car park, Dawlish several weeks ago, Jackie decided to support the charity and the idea of cocktails came to mind.

She asked Viv Wilson to organise the musical entertainment and arrangements culminating in a Wow of an event that generated not only enormous enjoyment but also a notable boost to DCT funds.

Teamwork from the volunteers was essential to success and even the ones doing the work had a really happy time.

The amount raised was £650.

► Photographs provided by Jackie O’Brien and Viv Wilson.