JENNY JENKINS, of Teignmouth, writes:

Dear Bill Bailey. Having very much enjoyed your latest series of Extraordinary Portraits. The last one this week, you filmed partly, in Teignmouth.

As an avid supporter of the NHS, like yourself, having started my training, in the 1950s at the old Charing Cross Hospital. Now living here in Teignmouth.

You may be interested to know that our little Teignmouth Hospital, was the first NHS Hospital to be built after the forming of the NHS by Aneurin Bevan, on July 5, 1948.

It is still very much in use and has always been supported by the residents of Teignmouth.

We are now trying so hard, with petitions and demonstrations, not to let it be sold to developers and pulled down in favour of luxury flats.

Please find time to find out how you could put some of your admirable enthusiasm and influence behind our plea, to ‘Save Teignmouth Hospital.’ Jennifer Jenkins SRN.