AWARD-WINNING artist Laura Wall is working on the new cover of this year’s Teignmouth Airshow programme.

Laura, whose detailed work features scenes from around Teignbridge and the coastline, has been commissioned to work on this year’s airshow programme again.

A spokesman for Teignmouth Air Show said: ‘We are super excited to be working with Laura Wall again who has been designing another fantastic print for the front cover of this years programme. 

‘We can’t wait to see the finished artwork.’

Laura, who is based in the Teignmouth arts quarter, said: ‘I’ve been working on the front cover artwork for the official Teignmouth Airshow 2023 Programme.

‘I've been totally lost in it all day and just put my pen down.

‘I’ve loved featuring the iconic Lancaster Bomber and the Red Arrows roaring through the valley behind. 

‘I might have got carried away with all the little people, it's so exciting to add the watercolour to this and make it sing.’