POLICE investigating a spate of burglaries at schools in Teignmouth and Dawlish have made an arrest.

Officers have now confirmed there have been seven incidents of burglary reported between October and January.

The latest involved Gatehouse Academy Primary in Dawlish and Teignmouth Primary schools which happened over the weekend.

All the break-ins happened when the schools were unoccupied.

Forced entry to the buildings caused damage both inside and out.

In the case of Gatehouse School’s latest incident, the damage forced staff to close on Monday.

In some cases a quantity of cash was taken.

At the first Gatehouse School break-in over the Christmas holidays, 15 Kindle devices were stolen.

At the time, a school spokesman said: ‘The theft impinges on the provision that we can offer our pupils and is very upsetting.

‘The Kindles had all been wiped of information before storage and they are security marked.’

Oakwood College special school has been broken into three times since October.

Police say incidents were reported at: Teignmouth Primary on January 28, Starcross Primary on January 13, Gatehouse Primary on January 1 and 28 and Oakwood College special school in October, December and January.

Following each report, police say officers have carried out enquiries and seized CCTV and other footage which has been reviewed.

A 28-year-old man from Dawlish has been arrested on suspicion of burglary and remains in police custody at this time.

Sector Inspector Sean Roper said: ‘These incidents have had an impact on the school communities within Teignbridge, with some schools having to stay closed following the burglaries due to the damage caused.

‘We have been working closely with the schools to carry out investigations at scenes where possible and seize any CCTV, forensics and make enquiries in the local areas.

‘The Neighbourhood Teams have been engaged with the schools and I would like to thank them in their support of our investigations over the past few months.

‘I’d continue to encourage anyone with information or any footage which may assist us to keep reporting it.’

Anyone with information is asked to contact police by calling 101 or through the Devon and Cornwall Police website quoting reference 50240022435.