DESPITE last weekend’s inclement weather the charity-raising food, beer, music and comedy festival known as Abbfest has been heralded a grand success.

With scrumptious food, delightful music, beer and comedy, Abbfest offered something for everyone.

Celebrity endorsements came from the likes of former MP Ann Widdecombe and David Fitzgerald and headlining talent bought plenty of entertainment.

Mover and shaker - Jack Murby from South Devon Hospitality.
Mover and shaker - Jack Murby from South Devon Hospitality. (Steve Pope / MDA)
Hogging the limelight - Ian Pedrick from the Snooty Pig.
Hogging the limelight - Ian Pedrick from the Snooty Pig. (Steve Pope / MDA)

Despite the rain, nothing could stop the party and the good mood persevered. The backbone of the event was the generous volunteers, willingly giving their time each year to celebrate all things Devon and raising money for local charities and good causes.

Abbfest has achieved a massive feat by raising over £250,000 for charity so far. However, the actual total is set to be even higher, as they tally up this years total.

Abbfest said:’ To all those that attended, the bands, the chefs, the food vendors, the stall holders and especially to our sponsors and the army of volunteers – thank you’

Music to munch with from the Big Noise Chorus
Music to munch with from the Big Noise Chorus (Steve Pope / MDA)