EXTENSIVE tree works are to be carried out after Ash Dieback was discovered among trees in Ashburton. 

The affected ashes are in Bullevers Way and the work is expected to start in May. 

Ashburton Town Council consulted experts to inspect the trees.

Combined with an historic lack of maintenance, the presence of Ash Dieback disease has meant ‘extensive’ work is now needed. 

As part of remedial work, the town council is planning to plant 100 new trees. 

It is hoped primary school children will get involved with the replanting.

And an exhibition celebrating trees, Ash in particular, will open at Ashburton Arts Centre from May 6 until May 26.

Town councillor Ian Pickvance explained: ‘It is hoped children will get involved with the exhibition with artwork, poems and stories, after all, it is they and their decedents who will be able to see the full-grown results of their efforts.’

The exhibition will feature artwork, illustrations, poetry, photography, woodworking and even song.

Inspiration for the exhibition came from a Tree Council webinar celebrating ‘urban’ trees, individual trees or groups of trees.

Cllr Pickvance said: ‘Local artists, photographers woodworkers and folk musicians have been contacted and everyone has responded positively with offers of help and works, including a song specially written for the event, to contribute.

‘Clearly this event has to be organised in a very short time and I would welcome any contributions such as posters, information, artwork, etc which you may have available.’

He can be contacted at [email protected] or contact [email protected], telephone 01364 652142.